#P2Bcop21, Paris
Place to B assist storytellers to tell the story of climate change and efforts to come to terms with it in venues other than the official one of COP21.
December, 3, 2015, Place de la Rebublique
While the COP21 meetings continue at Le Bourget, there is an alternate space for journalists, bloggers, writers and climate activists in Hotel Christopher near the Gare du Nord in Paris called Place to B. From here to Le Bourget is an easy train ride. I arrived in Paris yesterday (December 3), and after spending most of the day in a fog of jet lag, today I am at Place to B in full force. There's a lot happening here, although much of it is being made up as things go along. Of course, many activists are disappointed by the decision of the French authorities to limit public protests as planned before the terrorist attacks. I don't get the impression this is a concern of the average French citizen, however. While awareness of COP21 and its importance is high, the French are still recovering and are happy to let the authorities make choices that heighten their security. So let’s be glad that the marches in Bangladesh, Australia, London, etc were so successful. There was even some good street theatre in New York City.
November 30, 2015, Climate Change March, New York City